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What is Reiki?

Rahel Warshaw-Dadon

"Reiki is the Japanese word for 'universal life force energy'. We all have it; we can all use more. The strength of the method of healing based on Reiki energy lies in its simplicity. When we pass this energy through our hands and into our bodies, we use it to heal ourselves, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, eventually bringing ourselves to a state of emotional and spiritual balance, calm, inner strength, and joy. We can also provide this energy to others so that they can heal themselves. Though extremely simple, Reiki treatments can be surprisingly powerful and effective. Reiki does not only relieve symptoms; Reiki treatments increase relaxation, ease the pain, strengthen our immune systems, and heal the root causes of our illnesses.

When we receive Reiki attunements, we become able to channel more of this Energy from the Universe into our bodies; it can then flow through our hands into our own bodies and into the bodies of other people and other living beings. When we receive this Energy, we use it for healing that takes place on the subconscious level. Together, balance, inner peace, and improved health allow us to become happier and more beautiful to ourselves and to others and eventually may bring us to a feeling of joyfulness in our lives."

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What is Reiki?: Mission
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